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Re: CA Housing Leg Update

Please use this version for the LHA website. I inserted a link to the Housing CA website.


On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 9:33 AM, Darin Lounds dlounds@hceb.org wrote:


CA Senate Pro tem Kevin de Leon announced the "No Place Like Home" initiative - ostensibly Prop 63 2.0. If successful, "No Place Like Home" will be the 2nd successful initiative to create permanent supportive housing for people with mental illness who are experiencing chronic homelessness. The initiative calls for $2.2 Billion in funding. Yes, $2.2 Billion.



This is a remarkable response by the Legislature to address a serious problem. The CA Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) has provided support and advocacy to the legislative process, moving this initiative forward.

I would love to see the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) rise to this challenge and effectively advocate and secure statewide housing funds for people with developmental disabilities in CA. Housing advocates have been working with local jurisdictions over the past few years to get housing needs numbers for people with developmental disabilities inserted into local housing elements. Consumers, family members, and providers have also advocated statewide- directly to DDS and the State Council on Developmental Disabilities- with little or nothing to show for these efforts.

The need is known, the need is real. Why hasn't there been a statewide effort to secure funding to house people with developmental disabilities? Why?

Darin Lounds, Executive Director Housing Consortium of the East Bay 1440 Broadway, Suite 700 Oakland, CA 94612 dlounds@hceb.org ph 510.828.6295; fax 510.832.1743 http://www.facebook.com/HousingConsortiumoftheEastBay


Darin Lounds, Executive Director Housing Consortium of the East Bay 1440 Broadway, Suite 700 Oakland, CA 94612 dlounds@hceb.org ph 510.828.6295; fax 510.832.1743 http://www.facebook.com/HousingConsortiumoftheEastBay

CA Housing Leg Update

CA Senate Pro tem Kevin de Leon announced the "No Place Like Home" initiative - ostensibly Prop 63 2.0. If successful, "No Place Like Home" will be the 2nd successful initiative to create permanent supportive housing for people with mental illness who are experiencing chronic homelessness. The initiative calls for $2.2 Billion in funding. Yes, $2.2 Billion.

This is a remarkable response by the Legislature to address a serious problem. The CA Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) has provided support and advocacy to the legislative process, moving this initiative forward.

I would love to see the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) rise to this challenge and effectively advocate and secure statewide housing funds for people with developmental disabilities in CA. Housing advocates have been working with local jurisdictions over the past few years to get housing needs numbers for people with developmental disabilities inserted into local housing elements. Consumers, family members, and providers have also advocated statewide- directly to DDS and the State Council on Developmental Disabilities- with little or nothing to show for these efforts.

The need is known, the need is real. Why hasn't there been a statewide effort to secure funding to house people with developmental disabilities? Why?

Darin Lounds, Executive Director Housing Consortium of the East Bay 1440 Broadway, Suite 700 Oakland, CA 94612 dlounds@hceb.org ph 510.828.6295; fax 510.832.1743 http://www.facebook.com/HousingConsortiumoftheEastBay

Legislator Open Houses

LHA Members,

Please visit your local legislator websites (both Assembly and Senate) and RSVP for their District Open Houses. This is a great time to get face to face with legislators and their key staff. Please feel free to discuss housing in their district and please also hit on the following items:

  • Put a bill on the governor's desk now that will provide a 10% increase across the board to DDS budget to provide 10% rate increases for vendors serving people with developmental disabilities and 10% in regional center operating budgets
  • The state budget currently has a surplus and the 10% across the board increase should come from the general fund
  • No new taxes means simple majority vote will get the bill through- make the Governor make a move. Happy Holidays! Darin

URGENT ACTION ALERT -- AB 1335 Calls/Emails Needed TODAY

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Call or Email These Assemblymembers about AB 1335 TODAY

 AB 1335 (Atkins) -- the Building Homes and Jobs Act -- would provide critically needed ongoing funding for California's housing trust fund.

This bill could be heard on the Assembly floor as early as tomorrow, Thursday, June 4th.

Take Action: Please call or email the contacts below TODAY and express how important AB 1335 is to jumpstarting affordable home-development, closing the gap between the supply and demand of affordable homes, and creating jobs.

  • Assemblymember Mike Gatto -- Contact Taylor Giroux (taylor.giroux@asm.ca.gov) or 916-319-2043.

  • Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian -- Contact Mariana Sabeniano (mariana.sabeniano@asm.ca.gov) or 916-319-2046.

  • Assemblymember Cheryl Brown -- Contact Esther Jimenez (esther.jimenez@asm.ca.gov) or 916-319-2047.

Thank you for emailing and making calls. I will keep you posted on the outcome of AB 1335's Assembly vote.

For up-to-the-minute information, be sure to follow us on Twitter

Tyrone Buckley Legislative Advocate Housing California tbuckley@housingca.org

Stay Connected

1107 9th Street, Suite 560, Sacramento, CA · p. 916.447.0503 f. 916.447.1900

Housing California | 1107 9th Street | Suite 560 | Sacramento | CA | 95814