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Call or Email These Assemblymembers about AB 1335 TODAY
AB 1335 (Atkins) -- the Building Homes and Jobs Act -- would provide critically needed ongoing funding for California's housing trust fund.
This bill could be heard on the Assembly floor as early as tomorrow, Thursday, June 4th.
Take Action: Please call or email the contacts below TODAY and express how important AB 1335 is to jumpstarting affordable home-development, closing the gap between the supply and demand of affordable homes, and creating jobs.
Assemblymember Mike Gatto -- Contact Taylor Giroux (taylor.giroux@asm.ca.gov) or 916-319-2043.
Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian -- Contact Mariana Sabeniano (mariana.sabeniano@asm.ca.gov) or 916-319-2046.
Assemblymember Cheryl Brown -- Contact Esther Jimenez (esther.jimenez@asm.ca.gov) or 916-319-2047.
Thank you for emailing and making calls. I will keep you posted on the outcome of AB 1335's Assembly vote.
For up-to-the-minute information, be sure to follow us on Twitter
Tyrone Buckley Legislative Advocate Housing California tbuckley@housingca.org
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1107 9th Street, Suite 560, Sacramento, CA · p. 916.447.0503 f. 916.447.1900
Housing California | 1107 9th Street | Suite 560 | Sacramento | CA | 95814