Our member organizations are all across the State and so there is likely someone that can help you in your area.
Member Directory
Val Jones
AccessHome was founded in 1997 by Far Northern Regional Center (FNRC), and is a service provider for persons with developmental disabilities in the nine northeastern counties of the state; Butte, Glenn, Lassen, Modoc, Plumas, Shasta, Siskiyou, Tehama, and Trinity.
Kris McCann
1390 Market Street, Suite 405, San Francisco, CA 94102
453 S. Spring Street, Suite 528, Los Angeles, CA 90013
Bill Pickel
Sami Abdelatif
Brilliant Corners is a 501(c)3 nonprofit public benefit corporation whose mission is to provide affordable, community-based supportive housing for individuals with developmental disabilities and other people with special housing needs. Founded in 2004, WBHC has grown into a “full-service” housing agency providing housing development, property management, and housing-related services for people with developmental disabilities and others in need of supportive housing.
California Housing Foundation
1200 California St
Suite 104
Redlands, CA 92374
von Rajcs
Dan Schenkel
CHF supports the mission of the California Regional Centers by providing quality services and support programs designed to encourage and enable developmentally disabled persons achieve their highest possible level of personal independence, choice, and productivity.
Coalition for Housing, Accessibility, Needs, Choices, and Equality
13 E. Haley St.,
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Shella DuMong
CHANCE aims to help people with intellectual, cognitive and developmental disabilities live in their home community and have access to safe, stable, affordable, accessible community-based housing to meet the variety of their evolving needs and preferences. CHANCE provides services to persons/families with intellectual, cognitive and developmental disabilities. CHANCE’s services relate to finding suitable housing, mitigating housing losses, facilitating access to generic resources, and helping protect fair housing rights. Its services are delivered in an increasingly underfunded and under resourced housing climate.
Home Ownership Made Easy
5601 W. Slauson Ave., Suite 180
Culver City, CA 90230
Norma Delgado
Home Ownership Made Easy (HOME) makes available permanent, affordable, and safe housing options for individuals with developmental disabilities. HOME advocates to local, state, federal, and private resources on behalf of the developmentally disabled; to facilitate the development of independent housing opportunities for persons with disabilities.
Kristin Martin
HOPE's mission is to create stable, affordable housing options for people with developmental disabilities through three programs: affordable housing, permanent state-licensed group homes, and the College to Career program.
Housing Choices Coalition
898 Faulstich Court, Suite B
San Jose CA 95112
Jan Stokley
HCC's mission is to enhance the lives of poeple with intellectual disabilities by creating quality, affordable housing options for people in Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, and Monterey counties.
Darin Lounds
Housing Consortium of the East Bay (HCEB) creates inclusive communities for individuals with developmental disabilities or other special needs through quality affordable housing in Alameda and Contra Costa County. HCEB fulfills this mission by providing housing outreach and support services; developing affordable housing, partnering with other nonprofit and for profit companies to secure set-asides within larger rental communities; and owning and operating special needs affordable housing.
Patti Uplinger
Housing Now is a coalition of property managers, business people, housing advocates, consumer groups, service providers and local developers dedicated to expanding affordable housing options for persons with developmental disabilities.
Veronica Garcia
Key Community Housing has created a successful program that specializes in housing acquisitions, person-centered modifications, and property management. Public and private funds are leveraged so that we may maximize the impact our funding has in the community. All KeyCH homes include deed restrictions that ensure that the homes will be used for their intended nonprofit purpose in perpetuity, to be utilized for the developmentally disabled.
North Bay Housing Coalition
1436 Second St #178
Napa CA 94559
707-289-7000, ext. 1
Mary Eble
The North Bay Housing Coalition's mission is to increase affordable housing for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families in Napa, Solano and Sonoma Counties.
Southern California Housing Collaborative
9201 Spectrum Center Blvd.,
Suite 110
San Diego, CA 92123
Nathan Schmid
Southern California Housing Collaborative (SCHC) was established in 2008 to address the needs of consumers served by the San Diego Regional Center and our primary mission is to locate and secure affordable housing opportunities for low income individuals with developmental disabilities.
Tri Counties Community Housing Corporation
520 E. Montecito St.,
Santa Barbara, CA 93103
Marc Belfortti
Ron Cohen
UCP of Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties (UCPLA) was founded in 1945 by a small group of parents who wanted to create community-based services for their children with developmental disabilities and similar service needs when no such services existed.
While UCPLA has grown significantly since our inception, we remain true to our mission to advance the independence, productivity and full citizenship of children and adults with developmental disabilities and those with similar service requirements. Our programs and services keep pace with the need for services, programs, resources and support groups to provide our clients and their families equal opportunities to choose and to participate in lifestyles that enable them to live in and contribute to their own communities.